Xulu V1.5.2 Download

December 28, 2023

To install the client scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on the safe Xulu V1.5.2 download link!
Xulu is known mainly as a pvp client, although it does offer its users some useful utility hacks.

I was very pleasantly surprised upon loading up the Xulu client for the first time. I did not expect such a clean and good looking GUI.
Infact after messing around with the GUI settings I found that Xulu offers its users a choice between 2 completely different looking GUIS.
I personally prefer the Exeter GUI option although the new gui also looks pretty good.


Xulu V1.5.2 download is linked at the bottom of the page!

Here are some modules offered by the client

  • VeinMiner
    This module automatically mines ores around you, Since my last review the module has been given a whitelist and blacklist system with some other small improvements that make the module better than it was before.

  • Pop chams
    This module was added to Meteor after my last review, It is a render module to show where players pop totems.

  • Tunnel ESP
    This is another module that was added after my last review, this is a render module that highlights hidden tunnels, and can be useful for finding hidden trails off of highways.

  • Better Beacon
    This was also added after my last review, the module automatically selects beacon effects for you.

  • No Ghost Blocks
    This module tries to prevent ghost blocks, the module works well and is another new addition since my last review.

Xulu, is it still a good Minecraft client?

Xulu was definitely a much more developed client than I was expecting.
It looks really good for a free client and it offers its users a wide range of pvp and utility hacks. With that being said, The pvp modules are definitely the clients stand out features.

I would definitely recommend trying this client for pvp, you have nothing to lose. It is a free client, And if you don’t like it you can always delete it. 

Unfortunately I don’t think Xulu will be getting updated considering the fact that Xulu’s last update was over 2 years ago.

Full InDepth Client Review Video

The linked video below is part of my CCO (Complete Client Overview) series, a segment I curate on my gaming-centric YouTube channel. This particular episode embodies my commitment to thoroughly test and review various clients to provide you with a convenient, comprehensive overview.

Through this series, I aim to assist and guide my audience by sharing valuable information, making it easier for you to choose a Minecraft Client. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or new to the scene, these episodes are crafted to be an essential resource for your convenience and informed decision-making.

Play Video
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When you click the download button below, you’ll be directed to a link locker. Here, you’ll encounter simple tasks that aim to grant you access to the download link. These tasks are essential in covering the hosting costs for this website.

Upon choosing a task, all that’s needed is to let your computer remain idle for around 30 seconds to a minute. The task will automatically mark as completed without requiring any actual action from you.

After this, you’ll seamlessly be redirected to the official client website. Here, you can easily proceed with the download process.

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