Boze Client Download

December 28, 2023

This comprehensive guide will provide you with a safe Boze Client Download Link!

Boze it is a paid for client that was created by the owners of the semi popular Konas client. Boze was made to support the latest versions of Minecraft, currently this is Minecraft Version 1.20.

The client offers more than 160 different modules, with around 58 different commands and more than 20 different shader and render options. According to Boze, its strengths lie in combat, utility, and render modules. Additionally, it claims to be well-suited for anarchy, SMP, and minigame servers. To verify these claims, we are going to put Boze to the test.

Boze client download is linked at the bottom of the page!

Here are some modules offered by the client

  • BeaconSelector
    This module lets you select beacon effects and applies them automatically, the module does not seem to be functioning correctly but I’m sure they will patch that soon.

  • MotionBlur
    This module adds motion blur to your render, i’m not really sure why anyone would want this, using it makes me feel sick which I guess means the module works well.

  • Crosshair
    This module lets you customise the crosshair, it works well but I wish it was more customizable, you can only create VERY simple crosshairs with this module.

  • AntiChunkBan
    This module as I’m sure is quite obvious attempts to prevent you from getting chunk banned.

  • BowSpam
    This module makes spamming arrows with a bow much easier, the module lacks a few settings though, it would be nice to have a mode where the arrows are only released when you are looking at a player for example.

  • Pause Baritone
    This module lets you set a keybind to pause baritone which can be very useful to people that use baritone a lot.

  • AutoBridge
    This module automatically speeds bridges for you, the module automatically sneaks and places blocks for you and this is one of a few modules added in a new “Legit” tab.

  • AutoHop
    This module is also from the legit tab and it basically just holds down the jump key for you.

  • HotbarTotem
    This is yet another module from the new legit tab, and it acts as sort of a more vanilla auto totem, the module will automatically switch to a slot in your hotbar containing a totem when you hit a specified health.

My Thoughts On The Boze Client For Minecraft 1.20 +

pngegg (6)

I know a few people were unhappy with Boze, I saw a few negative comments on my last video, and while some of the comments had some valid points I don’t think they were all fair. It appears that the Boze devs are actively working on the client and trying to improve it and add more features!

The devs have also been working on a client API that is going to allow developers to add their own custom features to the client.

For people that dont know what that means It is basically like meteor client Addons but for the Boze client.

This could potentially bring new ideas and features to Boze from third party devs, which I think is very cool. I hope that the addons are kept free otherwise there may be additional costs for these additional features making the client quite expensive and potentially less accessible to everyone.

Full InDepth Client Review Video

pngegg (7)

The linked video below is part of my CCO (Complete Client Overview) series, a segment I curate on my gaming-centric YouTube channel. This particular episode embodies my commitment to thoroughly test and review various clients to provide you with a convenient, comprehensive overview.

Through this series, I aim to assist and guide my audience by sharing valuable information, making it easier for you to choose a Minecraft Client. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or new to the scene, these episodes are crafted to be an essential resource for your convenience and informed decision-making.

Play Video
No files are hosted on this site, you will be redirected to the clients official website!

When you click the download button below, you’ll be directed to a link locker. Here, you’ll encounter simple tasks that aim to grant you access to the download link. These tasks are essential in covering the hosting costs for this website.

Upon choosing a task, all that’s needed is to let your computer remain idle for around 30 seconds to a minute. The task will automatically mark as completed without requiring any actual action from you.

After this, you’ll seamlessly be redirected to the official client website. Here, you can easily proceed with the download process.

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